Personal Development

Tips To Support Your Life Goals

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Tips To Support Your Life Goals

Tips to support your life goals

So I saw a meme recently that read – Get your SH*T together:

Skin Care – Happiness – Inner Peace – Time

I can’t tell you how much that resonated with me.  Tell me, what’s stopping us from actually getting our SH*T together?  Fear factor?  No time?  Money constraints? 

The more I research and blog about my journey to support these goals, I realize what’s holding me back is ME!

We get so comfortable and complacent doing one thing, we stopped trying to pursue what we are actually passionate about.  We get stuck in a job that we hate but stay because “it pays the bills”. 

We stopped shining the light on what we’re really passionate about.  We tuck it in a dark corner of our mind closet and close the door on it.

The best advice I’ve ever received was: “spend your life doing exactly what you love and it won’t ever feel like just a JOB”

Just take baby steps towards that passion or dream and it will surely lead you to the life you dreamt of.  As long as you’re breathing, you have time!

I love reading and always wanted to become a teacher or writer.  Here I am writing my own blogs, soon to be proofreading and copyediting for clients.  This post will be updated slightly in a few months deleting the words “soon to be”!  I put that on everything! 

What are you passionate about? 

Here are a few ways to support and motivate you to pursue your passion or goals:


To support yourself mentally and get that passion going, you need a plan to turn it into a reality.


You may have identified that dream, but it’s a good idea to get the knowledge and experience that’s relevant in pursuing it.  Some goals we may have would also require some work to get started. 

Do your research into what you would need to gain that experience to help you. You may need to do an online course or certification course to master the skill and “know-how”.  Whatever the requirement, gain experience. 


You need to be seen and heard.  Put yourself out there.  You know that phrase “be there in the right place at the right time”.  Open that window for your opportunities.  Join a group of like-minded individuals who share the same passion as you do. 

Follow on social media anyone who is also in the field of your dream goal.  Stalk their page to gather ideas and what they did to be where they are.  Be in the same room with people who are speaking your passion language.  Take another saying “a closed mouth will never get fed”.  You have to get uncomfortable and put yourself out there.  


I know getting out of that “comfort zone” can be daunting or scary.  Stay on the path.  Don’t let any NEGATIVE NANCY or NORMAN prevent you from pursuing your passion.  Always be positive and optimistic.  Don’t let other people’s insecurities, negativities, or failures set you back.  Stay away from that toxic energy.  Constantly encourage yourself.


Don’t set dreams or goals to achieve then put them away in a box.  You have to walk the walk and talk the talk!  Commit yourself to pursue that passion.  I know it’s easier to walk away than to stay and own up to the responsibility. 

It might get difficult with other life’s curveballs being thrown at you.  You are responsible for your life and your future.  Don’t just say it.  Prove it!

Tips to support your life goals


You can only be yourself and that’s your SUPERPOWER.  You may want to pursue your makeup artist dream.  You see so many other successful MUA killing it in the industry and you feel intimidated.  They don’t have your special skill.  How you intend to rock your craft will be a cut above the rest. 

Your methods will be so dope, you’re going to ask yourself why you were even doubtful.  Your dreams are yours.  None else’s.  There is enough room in this world for everyone to be happy and win for what they love.  Don’t worry about anyone else.  Stay true to yourself! 


All you need to do is START!  Don’t spend too much time preparing to launch.  Just go for it.  You may fall in the process, but get up and keep going.  Opportunities come to those who seek them.  It won’t come to you by sitting at home waiting for your dream to knock on your door.  Go out there and find it!


Regret is your biggest enemy.  I have been heartbroken, told NO countless times, I never liked having regrets in my life.  I prepare myself for the comeback.  So you tried a business venture to get your dream off the ground and it fell through, maybe a friend sabotaged the deal or you were overwhelmed by the process. 

Don’t regret the outcome.  Instead, look at what went wrong, figure out why it didn’t become a success, and execute a Plan B and if possible Plan C.  Regrets will always test your mental strength, you cannot change the past but you definitely have control over how your goals for the future can turn around once you move past regrets.


We get complacent. Yes, humans are habitual.  You don’t want to leave this job that you hate because it is all you know and changing anything or going into another field will be so hard.  You will probably have to relocate or change shifts.  Scary to think about it right?  That panic button is activated and you stay where it’s nice and comfortable. 

Accept that change will happen when we change our mentality towards it.  Remember, I moved from my home country, then moved around Canada to start my life all over again.  I was stressed just thinking about new jobs, new friends, and a new apartment. 

I loved my old life in Montreal.  I was petrified of change.  But my goals and my dream had to be pursued and it required change.  The change was necessary and I took the step.  You’ve got this!


Treat people the way you want to be treated.  Always be kind and respectful to others.  (Profound advice from my grandmother) – Imagine your passion is to become a restaurant owner. Why?  The essence of that dream is to interact with people who trust you to provide top-notch food and service. 

I’m guessing one of the reasons for that dream is because you love people as much as you love food.  You want to be confident in the passion that you intend to pursue.  A great boost is to lift people up in a positive manner.

Kind words, kind deeds, and selflessness.  Always helpful.  Sharing experiences and knowledge with others, respectfully.  These are qualities that you want people to mention about you.  I guarantee they will tell others when your name is mentioned.  At least that’s how I want to be remembered always. 

In conclusion.  Remember kindness has a domino effect.  You also get the feel-good mojo!


The best teas

“You must never doubt your ability to achieve anything, become anything, overcome anything, and inspire everything


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