Personal Development

Introvert and In Control

Introvert and In Control

Welcome to Introvert Lane.  I’ve been living here for as long as I can remember.  It’s very calm and comfortable here. My space is protected, boundaries are fool-proof, silence is rewarded and daydreaming is prioritized.  I love it here!  My quiet, reserved and thoughtful nature is sometimes mistaken for weakness, sadness, or being indifferent.

The truth is, I love being alone, my mental health and happiness thrive in this atmosphere.  I enjoy activities that require me to be alone: reading, writing, or watching movies- this form of solitude is welcomed any time in Introvert Lane.  This is how I stay in control. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love going out with my friends.  A Friday night out for drinks and socializing, a cooked meal and wine at my place, a good night for dressing up, and going to the club occasionally are truly things I enjoy too.   

Believe it or not.  I value my friendships, but before the night is over, I’m maxed out, my energy is low and needs refueling.  I’m ready to make a hasty exit.  Introverts can you relate?

Introvert and In Control

I am terrified about group projects, this is why I refuse to join a Zumba class, spin class, or even zoom meetings, they are loathsome and overwhelming.   I work best when I’m alone.  The isolation keeps me focused and I am able to be at my best as opposed to being in a group setting. 

Introverts are receptive and perceptive, we notice things others may miss.  Working from home has been the best thing for me, going back to office life will definitely be challenging.  Small talk is taxing and uncomfortable enough.  This is how I stay in control

It’s pretty much suburban living in Introvert Lane.  My neighbors are few and far apart.  I have a close circle of friends and that is all I need.  I enjoy talking to people, I focus on being COMFORTABLE first and then SOCIABLE in any crowd setting.  It may take me a while to open up but when I do, I can be the Life of The Party!  Introverts can you relate? 

The word Introvert comes from the Latin word intro (inside) and vertere (to turn).   So, in retrospect, INTROVERT means to turn within, to live a quiet inner life.  Being an introvert is empowering.  There’s nothing to be ashamed of.  We are a magical group of people, we were born with a personality that craves solitude, we are more in tune with our mind, spirit and heart. 

Introvert and In Control

We are sensitive, intense overthinkers, quiet but powerful.  We are good listeners but need that energy reciprocated.  Speaking our thoughts can be daunting because we are inadvertently shy, but we can still have meaningful conversations.  

Sometimes the world gets so LOUD, we cannot help but feel drained and overwhelmed.  How are you able to coexist and stay balanced and in control? 

  • Forgive yourself for feelings of weakness and being overly sensitive 
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Why don’t I want to go out?  But I want to meet new people.  Why am I so high maintenance and perceived as selfish?  But I need a lot of alone time every day. 

Nobody is perfect.  Don’t be so hard on yourself.  Think of it as preferences and not weaknesses.

  • Communicate your needs and feelings to loved ones /those around you 

Introverts are extremely personal when it comes to speaking out.  Anxiety, heightened blood pressure, panic, frazzled mind, and depleted feelings can all go unnoticed if we don’t express it or if it’s not visible to those around us.  Oftentimes, the boiling point is reached and we react in an unpleasant and regrettable way. 

Talk to a therapist, a close friend, your hubby, parent, or siblings.  Letting them know upfront about your introversion takes the pressure off of inviting  you to social gatherings or even when you’re feeling overwhelmed and need your space and peace of mind. 

  •   Embrace your strengths 

Introverts are very in tune with their feelings.  We can zone out at any time. (a personal strength I find fascinating).  We can function very well alone.  We don’t need a white noise app to settle our minds or be present.  We can just BE… Embrace these strengths and use them to your advantage.  Be proud of them.  It is what makes you human and unique.

Introvert and In Control

Are you an introvert as well?  How do you stay in control?  Does this resonate with you?  Leave a comment below.  I’d love to hear from anyone living in Introvert Lane. 


25 makeover tips

“Quiet people have the loudest mind”




  • Cynthia
    10/27/2021 at 6:30 pm

    Wow! as we trinis often say; you hit the nail on the head. I can relate thoroughly and I love beng an introvert.

    • Gillian R.
      10/27/2021 at 10:16 pm

      Definitely ! Don’t you love it here in Introvert Lane . You are in control 😊


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