
About Me


I am Gillian Reid


I like to say that I’m a Trinidadian-born Canadian.  I cannot forget my Caribbean roots.  I have so many new friends here. Thank you for joining me. 


So… let’s press REWIND<<

I ended a 14-year banking and financial career.  Left family, friends, flip flops, and 32 degrees bikini weather for LOVE, SOREL boots, and RUDSAC winter jackets.  Moved to Montreal.  Married.  Made plans to settle into the dream life that I was promised.


One year later, LOVE turned out to be a narcissistic, abusive, controlling CURSOR.  YIKES!  I’ll tell you about that another time.  I’m still working on opening up about that ordeal.

Press ESC! Whewwww!!

False Dream Life END 


Divorced.  Moved to Toronto.  Started a new life plan and career.

I tried searching for so many job fits, I loved the “people” part of my career and wanted my new job to center around that fact. But at one point, the accreditations in Business Management, IT in Accounting, Certifications in Customer Service Excellence, and Finance all didn’t matter anymore. Actually, NOTHING matters when you’re depressed. However, I had to pick myself up, find a way to rebuild my life, no family here, just my education, resolute nature, and the will to turn my life around from a heartbreaking experience. I found a great job: ONLINE SALES SPECIALIST for a great telecommunications company, a nice apartment, and my life slowly took shape again.


Let me tell you – This entire traumatic ordeal and chapter of my life coupled with this pandemic took a major toll on me mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially (DIVORCE IS NOT CHEAP).

Insomnia kept me company every night.  I was miserable, missing home, wondering if this was the biggest mistake of my life!  Blaming myself for these horrible outcomes.  I was in AIRPLANE mode. Literally! The only thing that kept me afloat and present was my job. 

Then one morning, while I  was dragging myself out of bed, I had an epiphany.  I said to myself “Gillian this is NOT your END “.  I needed to make a change. I’m not where I want to be but at least I am not where I used to be! It’s time to find me.  I kept pressing CONTROL ALT DELETE and signing off from everything around me.

The irony is that my career path has always involved the use of a computer, now my life was synonymous with the keyboard’s functions.

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I’m currently seeking therapy, medication, and counseling, all while trying to balance my 9-5 Online Sales Specialist job.  I am on a journey to reinventing GILLIAN.  If my life’s story is relatable or you feel as though you are also struggling with self-love, relationships, mental health, wellness, personal development, self-care, trying to get over a life’s trauma, abuse, coping during this pandemic, or balancing your work- life and finances.  I invite you to take the journey on this blog with me.

Let’s be honest – this adulting thing gets CAPS LOCK – OVERWHELMING AF!

Growing up where I come from, Mental Health was never a topic that was acknowledged.  It was fiction and in my reality, it didn’t exist.

I started journaling as a recommendation from my therapist and this is where my blog CONTROL ALT RELAX came to light. Writing gives me peace. We need to let go of the things we cannot CONTROL, ALTER our thinking.  Pause for a Break from all the madness surrounding us and just RELAX.  This blog is my life in a nutshell. You are not alone! Trust me…

Let’s figure it out together.


1. I hate to exercise (I’m counting on you to help me greatly with this).

2. I am a HUGE Star Wars fan (binged watch The Mandolarian to death! Don’t judge me).

3. You may see pics of me without my glasses (I can’t see SH*T without it).

4. I LOVE to READ. It’s homonymous with my last name. Proofreading and copy-editing freelancing coming soon. STAY TUNED.

5. My favorite music genre is 90’s R&B (I’m stuck in that era. It is the best decade of my life and for R&B music, let’s argue!).

6. My astrological sign is PISCES.  A water sign but I’m NOT too fond of pools and especially beaches. Not to mention I’m from a lovely Caribbean island with lots of beaches. Go figure!

7. My Guilty Pleasure- Red Velvet Cake

8. My Greatest Strengths- Resolute and Resilient

I want to thank you for being here and taking this journey with me!  I am not a therapist or medical professional, these are strictly my experiences, research, and medical advice that I’m utilizing on my journey and I wanted to share with my friends. 

About Me