Personal Development

7 Ways To Show Appreciation And Say Thank You

7 Ways To Show Appreciation And Say Thank You

Do you know that it costs $0.00 to be a decent human being?  It also costs $0.00 to make someone feel appreciated. Yes.  Seriously.  No money spent.  Even if someone else does something nice for you, you don’t have to do the same gesture in return, there are many ways to appreciate someone.

As a child “I love you” and “thank you” were used often around me.  I learned to use these phrases while growing up.  I observed how powerful these words were in my everyday life and made it my duty to use them always.  I’m a better person, friend, and human being because of it to be honest.

7 ways to show appreciation

Here are some ways to show appreciation:

1. Compliment Others

Every clothing in the color green catches my eye.  I saw a really cute sweater worn by a young lady passing me by at the mall.  I told her that the sweater and color look great on her, she replied “ thank you so much, it belonged to my late mother and it’s my favorite sweater to wear”.  I don’t know if it was the compliment or the memory of her mother that radiated that smile but either way you can tell she felt happy that someone complimented her choice of clothing that day.  It’s the little things!

2. Appreciate someone verbally

That’s so kind of you! You made my day! Thank you so much! You’re the best! I’m so thankful for your help today!

3. Appreciate someone by showing genuine emotion

Displaying emotions shows how much you are invested in someone’s feelings or even well-being.  Show excitement when they announce a great life achievement.  Hug a friend or family member going through a hard time.  Cry with your best friend over a loss. A display of emotions shows you care and appreciate that person.

4. Make your appreciation personal

You inspire me!  You’re so great at —— I don’t know what I’d do without your expertise.  Expressing something kind about someone’s quality or character shows great appreciation for who they are.

5. Appreciate someone by an action

Be thoughtful whenever you choose to show appreciation to someone.  Offer to get that book they were constantly talking about or offer to cook their favorite meal.

6. Appreciate someone for who they are.

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You cannot force someone to change the way they are just because you may not like certain qualities or even opinions they have.  If you truly appreciate someone you have to accept and appreciate them as they are.  We’re all unique and special in our gifts and characteristics.  If you disagree with something that was said or done, talk to that person.  Agree to disagree rather than push them away.  It shows respect and appreciation for that person if you care about them.

7. Show appreciation to the people who serve you

Tip graciously.  Put a thoughtful note in their tip jar.  Complete the survey and let their superiors know how much you appreciated their kind service.  Be patient with them, even though you’re in a hurry.  Recommend their services to people you know. 

7 ways to show appreciation

Perhaps you can challenge yourself to use these acts of appreciation for the rest of the year.  Remember it only costs $0.00 to Show Appreciation and say Thank You.  Do you have any other tips for appreciation?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Comment below.

7 ways to show appreciation

As we express our gratitude, we must forget that the highest appreciation is not utter words but to live by them



  • Cynthia
    07/30/2021 at 7:41 am

    Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” @ the first point of complimenting others. Many times we really have to be cautious of the things that comes out of our mouths. Let it be to build and not break someone 😁
    Lovely reading 😘😘

    • Gillian R.
      07/30/2021 at 9:12 pm

      I Absolutely agree Cynthia ! Be kind always in words and deeds . Thank you for your positive thoughts


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