Personal Development

6 Morning Habits to Start a Productive Day

6 Morning Habits to Start a Productive Day

Mornings are the most important part of the day. Setting the tone to maintain great momentum, definitely will make it productive.  How you start your morning decides the fate of the rest of the day. 

If you start your mornings with an unhealthy and negative mindset, wake up acting like Negative Nancy, growling at everyone as if someone stole your last piece of the pie in the refrigerator.  I’m telling you, it will guarantee a negative flow for the entire day.

Here’s a shortlist of morning habits to make it a productive day.


Yes, I know the smell of your freshly washed linen or that lavender oil in your diffuser smells sooo good. Move? But why?  Let me tell you it also helps that lethargic feeling. 

I would say ok just an extra 10 or 15 minutes won’t hurt right? Wrong.  It actually hurts your body.  It will have you feeling sleep-deprived and even more tired before the day begins.

So wake up! If you usually take 1 hour to get ready for work, double that wake-up time.  I begin work at 10:30 am.  I was guilty of crawling out of bed around 9:30 am and sometimes 10:00 am rushing to start my day and feeling unprepared and disoriented. 

Now I’ve found that setting my alarm and waking up at 8.30 am instead, gave me extra time to prepare myself for my day.  Don’t you dare hit snooze!  Leave Alexa alone! She’s had enough of your time playing!


What? But no one comes in here but me.  I still have to jump on it after the long day anyway.  You better throw away that negative thought right now! Ohh if my late grandmother could hear you now. She’ll be giving you that eye that says “get to it right now or else” I grew up with her saying that you should always make your bed before anything else in the morning. 

Angels will pass through your house and smile.  You won’t believe how much opening the window to let some natural light in helps the body.

Let’s get scientific.  Sunlight triggers your brain to release a hormone called SEROTONIN.  Did you know that this helps regulate your mood and keeps you feeling happy, more aware, and calm? Yeah! Now open that window and make that bed. 

Those freshly washed linens need to be made.  It changes the way your room looks.  I don’t know about you but it gives me a pleasing feeling when I see that nicely made bed with matching pillows and throws.  Definitely sets the tone for a productive day.

    3.   EXERCISE

6 morning habitsHere come the moans and groans.  I know. Trust!  Pre pandemic I was a gym freak. Going in for 2 hours or more after work. FAST FORWARD to the present. I wanted to sleep more and exercise less.  Then I did not like what I was seeing in the mirror when I looked at myself and how it made me feel.  Time to take action. 

Go drink a glass of water with lemon if you fancy, replacing that dehydration your body endured from that 8-10 hours of sleep the night before, and move that body! Gym restrictions in your area?  No worries.  Download your favorite 10- 15 minutes workout or yoga routine.  Set it every day as a challenge and get moving.

Should I get scientific again?  There’s a hormone called ENDORPHIN, it releases a chemical when you exercise that improves your mood and gives you a happy feeling. ELLE of LEGALLY BLONDE fully endorsed this. 

Exercise also improves blood circulation and aids with a healthy heart all while improving your mood to start a productive day.

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6 morning habitsRemember we have to “break” the “fast” that our bodies endured during the night.  This is why it is so important.  Always choose a healthy option.  Replace the urge to grab a leftover donut and have a slice of toast with avocado with a glass of OJ or green tea of your choice. 

I’m a flavored tea collector.  I have a BOX designated for all flavored teas: chamomile, lavender, earl grey, honey, and ginger.  I could go on but you get the idea.  If you’re really health conscious, have a green smoothie. 

I’ll give you some tips on the ingredients in another post.  All these are a few examples of healthy breakfast options to increase energy and start your day.


My friend gave me this really great goals journal for my birthday that allows me to record my goals.  I am so in love with it.  It allows me to enter my goal’s deadline and a little check box that says “crushed it” when I actually complete it. 

You can change it up and write down what you intend to accomplish for the day, try to revisit it and complete it by the end of the day or just jot down positive affirmations.  This is your time, you want to be prepared mentally for a productive day ahead.  Keeping a clear mind gives you a sense of organization.

Read a chapter or two from your favorite book.  Don’t have one? Subscribe to AMAZON PRIME for Kindle options or download the app to get all your favorite books in one place.  I am currently obsessed with JULIA QUINN’s Bridgerton – The Duke and I.  OK I blame NETFLIX for that addictive and binge-worthy series!

6 morning habits


My friends are saying the more they stay at home the more homeless they look.  Let’s get rid of that concept, please.  You may feel the urge to stay in your pajamas if you work from home because, well, no one can see you right? Wrong.  You can see you! Is that how you want to look after you worked so hard to prepare for this productive day?

I didn’t say put on a cocktail dress but if that makes you comfortable: Do you boo!   I’m just saying, wear your favorite loungewear or dress like you’re meeting someone for lunch.  I enjoy dressing up because quite frankly – ain’t nowhere else to go and I have a closet filled with clothes that stare back at me every day. 

Why not make the best use of it.  It’s a great confidence booster and makes you feel really good about yourself. It gives you a sense of purpose to start your productive day

I hope these tips help you start your day as it does for me.  Comment and let me know what other tips you adopt as well. We can learn from each other.

6 morning habits

“It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures”


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