Mental Health

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health

Mental Health disorders are conditions that involve changes in thinking, behavior, and emotions.  If you are affected by these conditions daily, you are not alone.  I am not a doctor or a therapist, but I have sought professional help from both sources and I am working through these experiences.  Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to seek help.

One of the biggest reasons a lot of people don’t seek the help or care they need to deal with these disorders is the huge stigma and assumption attached to mental health issues.

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health

1. People with mental illnesses are violent

The sad truth is that people with mental illnesses are more likely to be the victim of violence than the ones inflicting the violence.   People with mental illnesses are emotionally vulnerable.  There is no reason to fear a person with a disorder because of their diagnosis.

2. Psychiatric medication makes the disease worse

People tend to believe that medication for mental health disorders is harmful or makes them worse than they are.  This is not true.  It is still an illness and medication is still required. 

For some individuals it is needed to survive, for others with mild depression or anxiety, medication can help relieve some symptoms.  Seeking therapy also helps improve and learn how an individual can function normally in their life.

3. Having a mental illness means that you are “crazy

This is absolutely false.  It just means that your illness has challenging symptoms that may alter your thinking, mood, and overall perception of reality.  It does not mean you are “crazy” and I hate that word. 

Especially when used in such a derogatory way to describe someone who is suffering mentally.  Vulnerable?  Yes.  Human?  Absolutely!  Just like anyone else you are susceptible to illnesses and need medical attention to get better.

4. Mental health disorders mean you’re mentally weak

This is a common misconception that people with mental issues are mentally weak.  You can be an overall healthy person and still suffer from arthritis or back pains from a past sports injury. 

People with mental illnesses are very strong.  They just need the right treatment to be able to live a normal life like anyone else. 

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health

I know of so many people who get up and show up for work, do their jobs, smile every day, never complain and appear to have everything figured out in their lives but deep down. 

They are struggling with all types of mental disorders, PTSD, OCD, Personality Disorders, Workaholism and the list goes on.  These people are the strongest people I know because they are fighting the will to survive.  They will to never give up despite their adversities.

I knew something was wrong when I noticed changes in my body, mind, and daily functions.  I knew it was time to seek help.  I commend you if you got the strength to open up about your mental health illness. 

It is a great step to understand and be aware that there are treatments.  You are not alone.  Don’t let society’s perceptions deter you from seeking help.  This is also my story and my journey.

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health

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